Halloween Sleep Tips

Halloween Sleep Tips: Keep Your Baby or Toddlers Sleep A Treat Not A Trick!

If this is your baby’s first Halloween or the first one your toddler will be aware of, here are a couple Halloween Sleep Tips to help your little ones sleep be a treat and not a trick.


It is likely your baby will be going to bed as the trick or treater’s are ringing your bell, Oh NO! Be sure to put a note on the doorbell requesting the goblins and ghosts to knock.  Another option is to greet your trick-or-treaters on the porch this year and avoid the knocking at the door all together.


Remember your toddler’s view is from a different perspective than yours!  At Halloween there are many decorations that we are  accustom to, your toddler might be seeing the decorations for the first time.  Some of those decorations can be very scary especially from their emotional perspective not to mention their physical perspective.  This is not only on 10/31 but also true leading up to Halloween.

Just being mindful of their line of site, will help you redirect their focus when needed or keep you aware about when to talk with them on what they are seeing, helping them to reduce the fearful thoughts.

Special Note: We especially want to help our little ones think happy thoughts before bed.  If you are going to go trick-or-treating be sure to take a quick drive past the houses you will be visiting on 10/31 and consider going on the trick-or-treat route with the Happy Halloween decorations and minimize the time looking at the Haunted Houses.


Wishing you sweet sleep this Halloween!

If you find that the holidays are causing your baby or toddler to have a sleep regression, feel free to request a 30-Minute phone consultation with Jen Varela.  Have just a question or two on how you can improve your baby’s sleep?  The Sleep Talking Tuesdays: FREE Q & A Sleep Support would be a great option.  It is offered twice a month, check the Sugar Night Night calendar, to find when it is offered next.