
Coaching: Expectant Parents to 4 Months

Baby Sleep Shaping Can Begin Now

Pregnancy is exciting news. It includes anticipation, excitement and a little anxiety about all the information to learn about this new life.

Newborn babies are an even bigger blessing. They’re sweet, cuddly and adorable. But, what happens when your beautiful baby just won’t sleep, creating sleepless days and nights?

Expectant parents and newborn babies present a unique opportunity to begin gentle sleep shaping as preparation for good sleep training after 4 ½ months of age. Jen Varela is specifically trained to educate parents so that newborns in this age group and their parents can still experience sleep in those first few precious months of life.

What’s my first step?

Schedule a 30-Minute Consultation

You will hang up the phone with the hope that your circumstances can change, an understanding of how sleep shaping works, and why it’s important for you and your family.

If you choose sleep shaping with Jen, all clients fill out a comprehensive profile form. Prior to your first one-hour consultation, a thorough review of the medical and behavioral history you provide of your child will lay the foundation for a professional assessment and specific sleep-shaping strategies for your baby.

What are Jen’s most popular Gentle Sleep Coach plans for expectant and new parents?

While Jen can design an individualized plan, here are Sugar Night Night’s most popular plans to help expectant and new parents have sweet sleep:

Expectant Sleep

    • For parents with babies up to six months old
    • 75-minute consultation via video conferencing*
    • Comprehensive Review of Your Sleep History Questionnaire
    • Handouts Provided
    • Learn to gently shape your newborn’s sleep habits so they never need sleep training!
    • Topics Covered:
      • Infant to 6-Months Old Sleep Patterns, Routine Recommendations, Sleep Hygiene, Developmental Milestones Affecting Sleep, Baby’s Temperament & Soothing Techniques

*In-person, in-home consultations are available for an additional fee of $190 for those who live in the greater San Diego area within a 25-mile radius of the Sugar Night Night offices. Outside this area, additional travel fees may apply. Pricing is subject to change.

Sleep Talking Tuesdays: Q & A Sleep Support

FREE Small Group

Questions? You’re welcome to contact Jen.

Want to hear from other parents? Check out Sugar Night Night’s success stories.

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