At Sugar Night Night, we help families have sweet sleep – expectant parents, newborns, infants and toddlers. Jen Varela works with you to establish a plan to train your child to sleep through the night.
While the dynamics of your family may be unique, the values at Sugar Night Night are always the same. It’s all about a gentle sleep coach philosophy.

Provide solutions that bring hope.
Tired families need encouragement – without judgment. Families do not sleep the same. Provide solutions that align with the parents’ goals, parenting style and sleeping arrangements – including co-sleeping/bed sharing, room sharing and separate rooms.

Work with the
child’s temperament.
Encourage parents to study their child to learn their cues and behaviors. Teach parents strategies for communication – verbal and nonverbal. Help them chose the right sleep training or sleep shaping method for their baby.

Promote and preserve healthy sleep habits.
Be creative, flexible and proactive. Use sleep science to support mother’s intuition. Move at a gentle pace for both the child and the parent. Keep tears to a minimum while allowing the child to do some of the work.
An ancient proverb of King Solomon talks about the importance of clear thinking – something that’s tough to do when families are sleep-deprived. But with clear thinking (and sweet sleep) a paraphrase of that proverb reads, “You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry, you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.”
The art of putting yourself to sleep is a priceless gift you can give your child and your entire family. That’s the baby sleep solution to success for Sugar Night Night families.
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