
Successes: 4 ½ to 6 Month Olds

Tales of Sweet Sleep for Little Ones

Up all night?

Have a little one who is too young to train? At Sugar Night Night, Jen’s years of experience have gently empowered parents of 4 ½ to six month olds to be champions of change and heroes of healthy sleep habits for their babies and families. So, what does helping families have sweet sleep success sound like… besides lots of Zzz’s?

The Sleep Fairy of self-soothing and flexible schedules

“When our daughter stopped sleeping through the night at four months old, our friends told us we just had to get through it. We struggled to figure out why she suddenly developed sleep issues, and tried a dozen different things to help the problem. We were not being consistent in our approach and had no confidence in our ability to get her to sleep. We were trying to get through it, but we were failing.

“Hiring Jen was our best decision since becoming parents. Although there is no magical sleep wand, Jen became the little sleep fairy sitting on our shoulder every night helping us train our daughter to self-soothe. She diligently reviewed our sleep logs and helped us problem-solve our daughter’s sleep issues. Throughout the process, Jen was supportive and non-judgmental, and provided specific, concrete solutions for us. She helped us understand what we could expect from our daughter and helped us to see the incredible progress she was making – progress which is easy to ignore when you are exhausted! We could not have done this on our own because we did not know what to look for and were too exhausted to even think through the problem logically. Jen helped us develop confidence in our ability to help our daughter sleep, which led to more consistency in our approach to sleep, which in turn led to more consistent sleep for our daughter and us!

“When we started the process with our five-month old daughter, we worked on gentle sleep shaping, including transitioning our daughter to the crib from a cradle that we used to help her reflux. Her sleep issues gradually improved over several weeks, and after a few weeks, when she was old enough to truly develop self-soothing skills, her sleep issues seemed to substantially resolve over the course of a few days. The sleep-shaping framework we established caused everything else – including her naps and nighttime feed schedule – to fall into place.

“Throughout the process, we learned a great deal about our daughter’s specific sleep needs. However, Jen never advocated a rigid schedule; instead, we learned what guidelines to follow with our daughter so that when we need to be flexible in her schedule, we also know how to adapt the rest of our day to encourage her sleep.

“Gentle sleep coaching provides an important advantage over other methods. Unlike a cry-it-out method – in which the child is simply exhausted into sleep – we learned about our daughter’s actual sleep needs, which take the guesswork out of the process, both day and night. It is a more long-term solution, which puts judgment in our hands as parents.

“When we started sleep shaping, our daughter was up two to four times every night, and took up to an hour to put to bed. Through Jen, we have learned the keys to encourage good sleep habits and our daughter has successfully learned to self-soothe. Bedtime has become a much shorter process and we no longer dread it. In fact, it is one of our most treasured times. And the whole family is now sleeping through the night.

“With the exhaustion and the confusion that accompanies new parenthood, I do not know how we would have made such progress in such little time. Jen helped us feel that we were not alone and that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. We are so grateful for all of her help and support!”

Mother of five-month-old daughter
San Diego, CA

Seven nightly wake-ups to 11 hours of nightly sleep

“Our son was five months old when we met Jen and hired her as our sleep coach. He wouldn’t sleep unless he was swaddled and rocked in our arms. This also meant that we had to rock him back to sleep each of the four to seven times he woke during the night. We knew it was time to get rid of these sleep crutches and finally get decent sleep for our entire family.

“We read several books and talked to friends for ideas, but nothing seemed to work. If he cried for more than a few minutes, we gave up and said we would try another day. We were almost to the point of trying the cry-it-out methods when a friend suggested that we attend one of Jen’s free seminars.

“The seminar was helpful but our son was unique and we knew he needed a specialized plan, not a one-size-fits-all approach. He was always an alert and determined little boy, so we knew it wouldn’t be easy to sleep train him. We also knew that we needed a coach to support us so we wouldn’t give up.

“We hired Jen on the spot when we heard other parents saying their children had several of the same sleep issues as our son but they were one, two, or three years old. Feeling exhausted, and getting sick more than ever after just five months, we knew we couldn’t wait that long.

“Hiring Jen was well worth the investment. After only a few weeks of coaching, our son now sleeps 11 hours most nights. No more swaddle and no more rocking back to sleep. We put him in his crib awake around 6:30pm and don’t need to tend to him (other than a dream feed) until around 6:00am in the morning. He’s actually become a wonderful self-soother, too!

“Jen modified our plan as needed and provided encouragement and support. She is caring and thoughtful, and really knows her stuff. We highly recommend Jen to any parent who needs a good night’s sleep!“

Melissa & Daniel
Parents of five-month-old son
San Diego, CA

Sleep log plan adjustments have baby sleeping like a log

“I found Jen at Sugar Night Night after another sleepless night and doing another desperate search on the Internet for answers to why my five-month-old won’t sleep…. My husband and I, both engineers, thought we could figure it out between the two of us (and the three or four books we had on baby sleep guidelines)…. But after five months of seriously broken sleep, I just wasn’t capable of doing much…. I wanted someone to review the three months of sleep logs I’d kept and help streamline the process and get me more than two hours of consecutive sleep…. Not only was Jen was a sympathetic support but she assisted with making it happen.

“With just a few tweaks to our schedule and some gentle coaching tips, we had our daughter sleeping through the night finally…. Jen also helped us three months later when we suffered a sleep regression due to three weeks of international travel…. I would recommend Jen to anyone who wants personalized assistance with helping your baby to sleep through the night.“

Mother of five-month-old daughter
San Diego, CA

From awake to asleep… even in unfamiliar space

“Our family decided to reach out to Jen of Sugar Night Night to help our 5 ½-month-old (and my husband and me) sleep better. At 3 ½ months our son, who had been sleeping about 10 hours through the night, started waking up every couple hours (and his naps were almost nonexistent). So, we started co-sleeping in our bed, and I was nursing him whenever he awoke just to get him back to sleep.

“After talking with Jen about our sleeping desires and reading from the Sleep Lady’s Gentle Sleep Solution book, we started our coaching. Despite Liam being a very alert and developmentally advanced baby, two weeks later, we were starting to see some results: he was beginning to self-soothe! A month after we started coaching, we were able to put him to bed awake, have him put himself to sleep, and when he awoke during the night, put himself back to sleep. Within a few weeks of that, he was hardly waking up at night anymore and started napping in his crib for the recommended amount of time. This system and Jen’s guidance worked so well that when we went on vacation a month or so after starting sleep coaching, he was able to continue his good sleeping habits in an unfamiliar space!

“Jen is so sweet, respectful, professional, and just a joy to work with. She truly cares about your family and works to achieve what’s best for the family unit. We highly recommend her to any parent who wants sweet sleep for their family. At first, my husband was skeptical about spending money to learn how to teach our child to sleep, but today he will tell you it’s the best investment we’ve ever made. Thank you, Jen, for your guidance and support in helping our family understand and achieve very sweet sleep.”

Mother of 5 ½-month-old son

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