If you’re like me, you’ve probably been thinking about your summer vacation plans for months. Our family has made incredible memories during our trips, whether we’ve hopped on a plane to Hawaii or taken a road trip to our cherished cabin. But it’s hard to make memories if your vacation… read more →
Our group coaching program is flexible to meet the needs of busy parents. We use Channels by Marco Polo for these sessions. It’s a video chat platform that helps me maintain one-on-one connections with each of my clients in the group, and it gives parents the option to check in and engage in the program according to their schedules.
Our group coaching program is flexible to meet the needs of busy parents. We use Channels by Marco Polo for these sessions. It’s a video chat platform that helps me maintain one-on-one connections with each of my clients in the group, and it gives parents the option to check in and engage in the program according to their schedules.
Juggling a toddler and a baby requires flexibility—especially during a pandemic. Perhaps your daycare or preschool has modified its services and your toddler is with you more during the day. Or maybe you are working from home, adding more responsibilities to your daily schedule. Throw in the normal developmental changes… read more →
As the parents of little ones, you know the importance of babyproofing your home to keep your child safe and secure. You put covers on open electrical outlets, made sure the cords on your blinds are out of reach, and installed baby gates to prevent your little crawler or climber… read more →
Lately, I’ve had a lot of parents asking about toddler sleep habits. This is a busy time in your little one’s life in terms of growth and development, and good sleep is so important. Here’s the first in an occasional series of blogs on toddlers and sleep. For your toddler,… read more →
Whoever invented the phrase “sleep like a baby” may not have been a parent. If you’ve got a child between the ages of 4 and 12 months, you know that their sleep routines aren’t always, well, routine. That’s because there are many different factors that influence a baby’s sleep habits… read more →
What is Sleep Talking Tuesdays? Twice a month, Jen Varela offers a private online video conference or call-in option, where you can ask your sleep training questions or bedtime routine for baby questions and benefit from hearing other parents’ questions, too. Sleep Talking Tuesdays: Online FREE Q & A Sleep… read more →
When I write my blogs and newsletters, my goal is to offer ways to promote healthy sleep habits for baby. But parents’ sleep hygiene is also important—as a parent, you have to take good care of yourself so you can take good care of your child, and a good night’s… read more →
One of the main reasons I became a sleep coach is that I know all too well how lack of sleep impacts mothers with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs). When I see families struggling with this important mental health concern, my heart goes out to them, because I have… read more →